About Us

We are helping build healthier families and
transforming family break-ups – for the sake of our kids.

Our History

The Two Wishes Foundation arose from the voices of young people who experienced difficult, harmful or traumatic family break-ups.

Our Vision

Our vision is of a world where all children have positive relationships with all who love and care for them, whatever changes may happen to their family.

Our Impact

Our growing, non-profit foundation is raising public awareness, protecting children and changing how we view the entire issue of family separation.

Watch Intro

Did you know? In the UK:
children live in divorced or separated families today
more children, each year, lose a parental relationship due to family break-up
> 200
children killed, over ten years, by a parent or close family member after separation
# 1
family breakdown is a top contributor to mental health issues in children


Dr Angharad Rudkin joins Board

A child clinical psychologist and programme tutor at the University of Southampton, Angharad brings a strongly evidence-based, yet individually tailored, approach to her work with children and families. In addition …